Challenge Series

Standings, Info, & More


A 12-month series of 13 club sponsored races held January through December annually culminating in year-end awards and recognition for club members’ performance, endurance, and participation in our monthly club races.

Participating in the WTRC Challenge Series is easy. Here are the rules:

  • Be a current WTRC member.
  • Runners placing membership before the March race will retroactively earn points back to January. Runners placing membership after the March race will retroactively earn points from the race one month prior.
  • Volunteer to serve as a non-running worker at one or more Challenge Series events.
  • “Helpers” are workers at a club race who work and run, which does not count towards their volunteer requirement.
  • Race-day volunteers must sign the volunteer sheet available from the Race Director or Jonathan Botros once the trailer is packed and everyone is ready to go home.
  • Packet pick-up: volunteers must work a minimum of 2 hrs at the packet pick-up and sign the volunteer sheet available from the race director. Any packet pick-up worker who still runs the race will be counted as a “helper.”
  • Run in at least 3 races of the 13 club races.
  • Non-running members can still earn miles and be eligible for the 66 Mile Club (see below), but are not eligible for Challenge Series awards.

WTRC expats are able to run virtual races in conjunction with the monthly WTRC race and earn miles toward the 66 mile club. Just run one of the WTRC race distances and email your miles to Steve German by the Wednesday following the race weekend.

A WTRC expat: is a current WTRC member, was once a concurrent WTRC member and resident of West Texas, and has since moved from the West Texas region, but would still love to participate in the WTRC. 

Each member will earn the mileage of each club race in which they participate.

  • The overall Male and Female winners will earn 11 points each.
  • Any member who runs a race and places (1-10) within their division will earn the point value associated with that place.
  • First place finisher in each division at each distance at each qualifying event will earn 10 points, the 2nd place 9 points, 3rd place 8 points, and so on down to 1 point for 10th place finisher.
  • Runners earning overall or division points in the longest distance race at each qualifying event in which multiple distances are offered will earn a ½ point bonus.
  • Any child member who runs a fun run 1 mile race in accordance with the club’s children’s running policies will earn 5 points.
  • Any member serving as race director will be credited with double mileage for the longest distance race in that event.

Any member who serves as a volunteer will be credited for the mileage of the longest distance race in that event and will earn points based on the following scheme:

January – Loop the Lake: 1.5 pt
February – February Freeze: 1 pt
March – Prairie Dog Town Runs: 2.5 pt
April – Moonlight Musical Run: 3.5 pts
May – Hugh Haynes Memorial HSB Canyon Run: 4.5 pts
June – Bobby Birdsong Memorial Lope: 2 pts
July – Firecracker Run: 4 pts
August – HOT Dam Run: 1.5 pts
September – Shallowater Stampede: 2 pts
October – Red Raider Road Race: 2 pts
November – Buffalo Wallow Races: 5 pts
November – WTRC Turkey Trot: 2.5 pts
December – Toys4Tots CC Run: 1 pt

NOTE: Non-WTRC club sponsored races do not count toward the WTRC Challenge Series.

WTRC will track the points and mileage for each member. Please register for all races using the exact name and spelling with which you placed club membership. Monthly Challenge Series statistical updates will appear in the newsletter and on the website. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Rebecca Puckett.


All adult (16+) members and expats completing 66 miles in qualifying events.

There are a total of 96.2 qualifying miles available annually.


All child members and expats completing the following mileage in qualifying events:

Age Group TotalQualifying MilesMinimum Miles for Award


This award is named to honor Dr. George W. Jury for his past and current service to the WTRC. He served the WTRC in its infancy and has continued to support the club’s efforts by volunteering at every race possible. Thank you Dr. Jury!

Up to three awards will be given to those members who help the most at club events. These selections will be nominated by the Race Directors with final selections being approved by the WTRC Board. WTRC Board members are not eligible for Volunteer of the Year awards.


Awards will be given to those members, companies, and/or groups who have provided exceptional service to the WTRC.
WTRC Board members are eligible for service awards.


Awards will be presented to the top 3 or top 50%
up to 5 of the top point scorers in each division:

Male Age Groups: 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+

Clydesdale*: Men over 190 lbs 

Female Age Groups: 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75+

Athena*: Women over 150 lbs 

Runner’s age division will be determined by their age on race day. Challenge Series division will be determined by the runner’s age on the day of the Firecracker Run in July.

Children members must race according to the club’s childrens running policies.

*Clydesdale and Athena categories are strictly optional.

*Members must participate in the Clydesdale or Athena divisions at all events in which they participate for the entire year in order for consistent competition and compilation for Challenge Series points.


The Male and Female members who accumulate the most miles for the year in qualifying events will be mentioned during the awards presentation. The Male and Female members who participate in the greatest number of qualifying events will be mentioned during the awards presentation.

(only applies to Victors Rankings awards)

  1. Whomever has accumulated the most miles in qualifying events. If still tied, move to #2.
  2. Whomever has participated the most qualifying events. If still tied, move to #3.
  3. Whomever has served as a race director of a qualifying event. If still tied, each person will be awarded the same place in the victors rankings with subsequent awards picking up after the tie (e.g. –1st place: Joe Smith & Jim Jones; 3rd place: John Doe).

Presented annually at the West Texas Running Club Annual Social. JAN 24, 2025 at the Science Spectrum