About Us

Our Mission

West Texas Running Club promotes distance running to aid physical fitness and wellness. WTRC unites all runners, regardless of age and ability, and works to create an environment of camaraderie. Together, members exchange running techniques, train for races, and celebrate personal achievements.

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Annual Races

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Years & Running

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Our Board


Jonathan Botros

President – 2017-Present

Emmanuel Ramirez

VP – Ops/Media

Wendy Anderson


David Higgins



Ron Lubowicz

Board Member

Tommy Johnson

Board Member

Rudy Soto

Board Member
Hydration/Texting admin

Debbie Gelber

RRCA Delegate

Suzan Caudle

Board Member
Customer Service Director, Photos/Videos

Caleb Weston

Board Member/trailer backup

Debbie Gelber

Vice Pres / Social Media

Rebecca Puckett

challenge series

PJ Sullivan

WTRC Store 

Chad Beights

Board Mbr/Trailer backup/Course Marking

David Higgins

webmaster & race registration


Email anyone on the board at westtxrunning@gmail.com



In 1972, WTRC was started by Gene Adams in Brownfield, Texas, after noticing Brownfield didn’t have a running club. Gene was determined to maintain his fitness, so he ran on the high school track. James Morris, Brownfield’s track coach, noticed Gene, and the two struck up a friendship.

That summer, during the Firecracker race, James and Gene pitched the idea and sparked the interest of several runners. The WTRCs first race, a five-mile course, occurred a month later, in August, at Coleman Park.

For a few years, the two founders assumed responsibility for writing, printing, addressing, and posting a newsletter to members. Along with other charter members, they developed ingenious and innovative ways to ensure the accuracy of runners’ times and attract more runners to races. 

In the 1970s and early 80s, WTRC organized races in Amarillo, Midland-Odessa, San Angelo, Lubbock, and Brownfield. By the mid-1980s, members of the WTRC started clubs in their communities, and registration numbers exceeded 400 people. The running boom was on.

Since its start, numerous individuals have contributed to shaping the WTRC into what it is now:  an organization committed to fostering a passion for running. The WTRC still sees incredible success with up to 500 members!

Our Sponsors

We are incredibly thankful for our sponsors and their ongoing support in advancing our mission in West Texas. Through their partnership, we can ensure every race is successful by providing our runners with a safe and memorable race in Lubbock. Additionally, the Red Raider Road Race Scholarships are only possible because of our generous sponsors and donors. We hope that our members and community takes note of their commitment to Lubbock and consider doing business with our sponsors!